Parsonage Museum

In 1800, the baron Von Willebrand built the parsonage out of clay, straws and moss. However, the building had to be immediately cased with bricks, for clay did not withstand the strain of weather.
The clay parsonage – formerly a house of an assistant vicar – was opened as a museum in 1959. The exhibition of the museum provides the visitors with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the life of a country parsonage around the middle of the 19th century. An attempt has been made to show the life of that period as authentically as possible in the first parsonage museum of the country located in its original place.

In addition, the collection of the museum includes, among other things, apothecary articles and memorabilia of Miina Sillanpää. In addition to the main building of the parsonage, the museum includes two old aittas (a two-storey storehouse and sleeping hut), a smoke sauna and a shed.