Kotkaniemi – The Home of Former President Svinhufvud

Kotkaniemi’s main building was built by Judge Alfred Thomé of Lappee jurisdiction in 1898. It was possibly designed by architect Lars Sonck. Pehr Evind Svinhufvud, who later became Finland’s president, bought Kotkaniemi from Thomé’s estate in 1908. In Kotkaniemi P.E. Svinhufvud attended to his public duties as the procurator in 1917, senate spokesman between 1917 and 1918, government administrator in 1918 and the prime minister between 1930 and 1931. When P.E. Svinhufvud was the president 1931-37, he and his wife could only occasionally spend time in Kotkaniemi.

Kotkaniemi was the home of president P.E. Svinhufvud and his family of six children. In addition to original furniture, Kotkaniemi also displays works of art and presents the presidential couple had received. The president’s wife, Ellen Svinhufvud was clever with her hands, and Kotkaniemi also presents china works and handicrafts made by Mrs Svinhufvud.